This caps of my 3-21k (including a 25k NB Run) for the
year. And what a very fitting end as I
got a PB of 2 hours! Okay, let’s
21k/2:09:31 (9.76km/h)
21.62k/2:09:38 (10.0km/h)
New Balance – 25k
25k/2:36:11 (9.61km/h)
25.77k/2:36:12 (9.9km/h)
Sante Barley HM
21k/1:59:40 (10.61km/h)
21.35k/1:59:43 (10.7km/h)
Coming from a 2:10 HM to a 2:00 HM is a huge
improvement. Thinking about it I have
come to a couple of theories:
- Milo HM probably was a case of the jitters plus blisters
- NB 25k adjusted the shoes but the Buendia overpass was too much for me
- Sante Barley’s route was relatively flat with very few turns; plus the 2 previous experiences helped
For now I’m just happy with the result. As I think aside from the reasons above, my
trainings really did it for me.
Going back to the race, was a bit irritated even before the
race began as (1) traffic at Pier area due to trucks and this was 3am! Almost didn’t make it here; (2) 30 minutes
late gun start, although I made it just in time, plus the wait due to the
The route was mostly flat with a few minor inclines. I felt it on the 7th or 8th
kilometer mark as we approach the end of coastal hi-way on the way to
Cavitex. After that it was a straight, relatively
flat Cavitex road, then back.
There’s nothing much to say about the race though as I made
an even pace all through out. Except
that I think after the first 8k I began taking water at almost every stop. I don’t do that on practice runs but for this
race I felt the need to. It didn’t
affect my time that much though.
I knew I was doing great after the 10k where my time was
around 57-ish minutes. It was there that
I focused on my pace and form and not to get too excited. Although I felt the need to slow down coming
in to the 20km, but upon seeing the clock at 2:00:xx gave me my second
wind. I got a strong finish (along with
a strong facial expression)
As for the way the race was organized, my comments below:
- Late gun start – this is a big negative for me.
- Dark portion on some part of the route
- No energy drinks on station – although there was plenty water
- Late-finishers complained about dried-up water stations (wouldn’t know)
- Heavy investment on photographers – plus plus points!
- New
addition – late result posting!
Its been more than a week now!(update – released after 8 days!)
So what’s next for me?
I’ll take running easy now (or at least I plan to). Not much pressure in running xx distance at
xx time – just to enjoy running. Unfortunately,
last weekend run was a 1:33:xx 10-miler – still a competitive time for me. Oh well, I guess I’ll just run it as I feel
If the next few weeks I’m still up to running
“competitively”, I might just move on to the longer 32k. Hmm, still having some “boring” issues during
long runs, might need to work on that first.