Monday, April 15, 2013

New running goal

Yesterday I was able to watch the Barefoot & Thompson World Triathlon in Auckland in Solar Sports.  I wasn’t planning on watching it, I just happen to come across to it while flipping the channels.

I was amazed watching it.  Although it was a redundant sequence of biking, changing places, running, changing places, being able to understand a bit of the pain in keeping up with that pace amazed me.  I don’t know any of them, and it was in reading the report online that I came to know those very famous names and ranks (no worries as I think I won’t be following any of them so it’s no concern to know them more)

It’s the first time for me to see elites run, their form and style.  Watching them run for 10km after the bike, from the start of it where they are changing places, to the stretch where you can see who outlasts them all.  The winner Javier Gomez didn’t start the run in first place but ended up leading the pack as the race went on.  It was amazing how he gave a high-five to one of his team mates and the crowd as he approached the finish line.  He did have the luxury of doing it as the next runner was way out of sight.

While I won’t be doing any triathlon attempt (I don’t know how to swim); duathlon may be possible (but I don’t have a bike); its more of an attempt to get improve my running form.  I saw in slo-mo how he swayed his arms while running the pace.  I’m no expert on running form, but I really did like how synced his form was.

If I am to research about him and know how and when he started, I’m pretty sure that its really passion and dedication to the sport that gets him there.  I’m no where near to that level, but it was enough to make me speed run this morning’s 5k run.  It was exhausting, pressured my heart beat much that tunnel-vision was close to getting me (yeah, I pulled back a little when I felt that).  Running goal is to push myself more to being fast around 5:30ish per km, while getting the 30k/week mileage.  Just hope my body can be able to cope up with the change in running technique – don’t want to get injured again, that’s for sure.