After a week my Shopee package arrived, and in it are a pair of glow plug starters. I bought two since its cheap (and as with the EDCer in me goes - "one is none, two is one"), one is a standard rechargeable and one is wired with some kind of resistors so I just have to connect it to the batteries of my starter box and run the usual 1.2V needed for the glow plug. This is a more longterm use compared to a standard rechargeable Ni-cd glow plug starter.
So I got the buggy out from storage, installed the shocks, tires, and all other components. Brought everything to the roof deck, fired up the buggy and it started! As with any other motorized engine, I was expecting differently. After a few minutes of warm-up, I was doing circles and eights!
I may have done 2 tanks before I packed up. I removed the components and prepared them for storage again. Time very well-spent. And now, I'm sure to bring it over on my next trip out of town for some bashing. Or maybe do a quick trip to CV tracks again if I should have more time with the New Normal. Keep safe!