I had quite a few running setbacks that started this February. But its not just about diverting the time
with the bike (although logs show that did), but the busy work-schedule as well
(we opened another 3 stores this February alone, similar to what happened last
I only managed to run 42km the whole month of February,
although the most kilometers logged including bike rides – yes, I was excited
to ride the bike, I admit.
Thinking about it, my reason for running now is just to
maintain my fitness level to an acceptable one – what’s acceptable? Probably 5:50/km +/- 10 seconds for a 10k
distance. I cannot find the want to be
faster or run longer anymore.
What’s good is that I transferred that drive in biking. The past month I joined Alaska Race due on
May 28. It’s a 40km bike ride in
BGC. I decided on it as soon as I saw it
because I want something to aim for, similar to when I started running (and
there’s an early bird discount as well, hehe!).
Weekend bike ride is something I look forward to. I do it on a Sunday, and I try at least to
run 15km on a Saturday to condition my legs to adapt to “biking on tired legs”
– similar approach when I was training for HM races.
I have been thinking of doing a brick training for the
longest time. Good thing I already
learned that too-much too-soon will break me, so I do it gradually.
Sucks, really |
Last weekend was a setback, as I came from a good 40km ride
the weekend before. Setback as I got a
flat tire that day, and it limited my ride to 25km (and a lot of
disappointments trying to patch that staple-wire inflicted hole. It was a welcome experience though, as now I
know how to change one, but the same stressful experience brought me back my
back pain and even up to 3 days now, I still feel it (don’t have time to have
it corrected).
There’s another reason for this setback. Just got back my Annual Physical Examination
result and it came out quite nice, most especially for my blood analysis – good
cholesterol is good and bad cholesterol is well, good. Everything’s quite normal except for the
“Enlarged transverse diameter of the Heart” – which google says I have a big
can't find it here, but its there |
I have read about it before that runners and other
cardio-related athletes usually have bigger heart due to the improvements
needed by the body to pump more during trainings. I really think that is my case, as if it’s
the other “big-heart” issue, I should’ve passed out or at least felt something
during my speed trainings.
I did my usual morning run a while ago, and suddenly popped
the big heart result. It made me drop my
usual run to a safer one and made me conscious, basically messed up my run, although
I have the chest and head cold that probably contributed to my
I will schedule my cardiologist visit tomorrow, hopefully if
he will open his clinic. I just want
this to be over with so I can get back to my sweet run-bike weekends, and
hopefully land that brick run. Wish me