Tragic loss as one of the runners died from Cardiac Arrest from Hypokalemia. This post was from Pinoyfitness:
Facebook link to offer prayers here.
Going back, with the sickness getting me after my long run trainings (seems my immune system still couldn't adjust with the training - i still have the colds; been more than a week now), it seems that I may have to hold back from running my first 21k, until my body adjusts to the longer and harder training to go the long distance.
Although I don't know Mr. Romel F. Defeo personally, being the President of the Sigue Correr Runner's group, I'm sure he had gone through the correct training and lifestyle to endure running. But these incidents do happen, and we do not question His actions.
And with this I now come to realize that I, being on my own in training and running, need to slow down and take it easy. If there's one thing that Mr. Defeo made me realize, its that even if we have the experience and drive, we don't have control over what happens to us. So listening to my body now, I come to realize that I am really not ready yet to go the distance.
Guys I leave you with this - live right, live strong. Condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Defeo, and thank you for leaving something in me.