Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New goal - to run faster!

As of 01/31/2013 history Daily Mile
So I found a new way to liven up my running - go faster!

I have been running 5k on weekdays and for the past 4 runs, i clocked in less than 6 mins/km, with the fastest ever at 5:42/km.

It really is quite amazing that in the 4 runs I had (5 actually, but I sprained my ankle on one run so i had a little set back) I managed to run longer under less than 6 minutes pace!

Usually I just run the final kilometer on sprint and that is where I take back a few seconds off the total time.  But in the past runs, I stretch it even for the whole 5k which was really quite surprising that I was able to do it. (had a major side stitch on the last hill sprint though, haha!)

Changes I made in the past 2 weeks:

  1. Been taking Enervon ACTIV multi-vitamins (usually I just take Vitamin C daily) - dunno if this has an effect, but I don't get sick anymore and its good enough for me);
  2. Doing warm-ups then stretching, rather than stretching then running;
  3. Cool down and stretching again
  4. Hydration on-hand even on 5k runs (take a sip around the 3rd km)
  5. Both warm-ups and cool-downs are outside of the 5k run (therefore timing the correct pace)
Would it be too much to aim for 25 minutes for 5k?  Probably have to do a month or two training for this but its a challenge that i'm open to accept.  But I also don't want to limit it under 5k so I'll still incorporate long, easy runs on weekends to translate to a faster 10k PR.

So the key for me is to diversify and focus on running goals.  If one doesn't work, get another one!  Got sick and tired (literally and figuratively) training for 21k, so I guess I'll improve on getting faster then improve the miles accordingly.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sprain and a little bit of rain!

So my low mileage runs continue to fall down on me.  The past week's mornings have been  cold, cold enough not to make me get up in bed.  I hear my alarm but I'm just too sleepy to get up.

Another is the rain.  I don't like to run in the rain as I don't want to get sick.  Although its just a hoax and running in the rain will not really make me sick.  But I don't want to slip again and end up with a bubu again.  My route isn't that runner-friendly.

Just last Saturday, was supposed to run 10k to make up for the lousy 10k-weekday total run, I twisted my ankle.  Its really not that bad but still made me limp so I ended it early.

This morning was supposed to be a quick 6k.  But ankle still hurts, so I didn't run.  Reading about it though it needs R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression and elevation) - too bad I only got to read about it today, so its too late to be immediately applied.  

It says that if I can stand on the leg with a few pain-free toe raises then I can run again.  Too bad its not the case.  Its really not very painful but I don't want to add to injury (again, listening to my body).  A more serious condition such as Tendinitis and Stress Fractures could also be read from the runnersworld article.  I don't want that.

When it rains, it pours - or so my running backlog continues to press on me.  How I wish I could be more like the boring runner and do mileage as if its my job (although I would love a running job that would pay my bills and have enough to be able to send my daughter to college in the future).

Its a good thing there's Subway Surfer to keep me running. I just completed a daily challenge today, and I just need 9 more magnets to give me a level-up.  If I dont' get it today I'll just buy my way through. :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Back to basics with a little tweak for endurance

So I finally decided to take running easy and make it enjoyable as it once was (enjoyable in the sense that I can still perform my day to day tasks without the sickness - everyone's happy).

I am now running 5k again, same as I once was when I was new to running.  Back then it was simple, be able to run a 5k under 30 minutes.  Previous 2 runs clocked in at 32:xx - which was ok as it still includes the warm-up run (I do around 300-500m at a very sleepy slow pace).  I guess I'll have to adjust to this and start clocking my runs when I'm done with the warm-up so I get more accurate timing.

And so I do feel refreshed and energized after the 5k run.  Also the time is manageable as I get to get up from bed in a calm manner.  I do get to do my morning poop calmly, it comes out naturally :p

Now that I'm running 5k again, I don't have that sick and heavy feeling anymore.  I don't feel drained.  Or could it be that my infection is now over and/or that Enervon Activ multi-vitamins is now taking its effect?

So far, I'm feeling great with this setup.  Although I haven't seen any training plan for 21k that includes running 5-6k then alternating long, easy runs 10-12k.  But I'll experiment with my own - speed training and long-run alternates:

Monday, Wednesday/Thursday - 5k to 6k speed
Saturday/Sunday - 10k to 12k endurance (eventually go farther as I progress)

I'm looking to run the Run United 2013 series, its one of the biggest running events also, and has a very creative set of medals (can be joined together to form 1 big medal that doubles as a plate).  It will be held on March 17 - more than enough time to work on endurance.

So will I make 21k with my new training plan?  Let's see by February 17 if there's any improvements.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Losing running time and drive

Just to rant on lossing my drive and reduction of my running time (and miles as well) -

First its the sickness that's keeping me from running my intended training days and miles - I have gotten this last October 2012 as I was training for the 10k Urbanathlon.  First, it was the 10k distance - I was new to this distance as it was supposed to be my 2nd.  Second, strength training was incorporated as the Urbanathlon as a series of obstacles such as hurdles, walls, monkey-bars, stairs, etc.  In my mind I knew I could do this as in my "younger" years, these are simple obstacles that I can easily do even without training.  So I incorporated upper body strength along with endurance.

I didn't get to join the race as I caught the flu, and I even didn't get to go to work for a couple of days because of this.

Then came 10k training, which was fine as I just got the colds, cough and a few body pains, nothing ibuprofen can't handle.

December I was now training to go for 21k.  This means doubling my original mileage while going faster.  It was November and December that the plain old flu and cough got worse.

There's also the death of a fellow runner during one of the runs that made me think twice of being too aggressive to run my first 21k.

Now its the quality time in work and at home that added to my deteriorating mileage and running time.  It seems that the recovery period and sickness that comes next after my long runs are affecting quality time.  

It came as a surprise to me when my wife told me her sentiments about my running.  A few of her points are as follows:

  • Recovery - I run 10k on weekends and I wash the dog, send the car to the cleaners and watch UFC all in the same morning.  After which I fall into bed and sleep to make up for the early heavy activities.  Quality time with the family is lost.
  • Sickness - I can't seem to improve my cold and cough as I continue to run in the mornings.  Seems like my body can't handle the extended distance and stress.  This keeps me from working properly, and also makes me sleep more when I'm at home.
  • Body structure and looks - Yeah, I notice that while my legs and body is getting in shape, my face seem to be ageing.  While its true that I'm burning more calories, the tiredness and stress can be seen in my overall image. 
  • Eating habits - she noticed a change in my eating habits that I eat less and less.  While its not a conscious thing that I do, its just that I eat quality, not quantity.  My body features are not from the result of eating less, but from running - so its good, right?

While I acknowledge that I need more time to recover as I'm improving my distance and speed, but its only since my body needs to adjust to the increased stress.  I know that after a while when my body adjusts that I won't suffer the usual pains in my calf, and my immune system will be able to adjust so the recovery would not need that much time.

And I also realized (even before we I heard the sentiments) that I needed to adjust my training plan to make it a bit easier on my body.  Ok, my training plan is based on (slightly adjusted) experienced runner.  I'll go back to beginner's that would take a bit more time to get to running 21k efficiently.

The development on the effects of running to me is now now bigger.  Before its just within me - getting fitter, running faster, longer.  But now it spread to family and work -  to which the former is of greatest importance to me (afterall, the reason for me running is to be healthy so as to live a better and longer life for my kid).

I was supposed to run 8k this morning, but didn't get to as I came home late last night from a group practice, slept much later as i played with my daughter.  And my wife has a meeting in the morning so we had to leave early so it was not a good idea for me to insert a run (my heartrate when I woke up was 81bpm, usually its just 71bpm).

So the question is - will this new development keep me from running?  This I have to find out.  What do you think?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tragic loss for the running community

Yesterday the PSE Bull Run was held at the BGC.  This was one of the runs that I planned on joining to be my first 21k.  But since I won a free Condura Run 2013 race kit for 21k, I didn't push for this anymore.

Tragic loss as one of the runners died from Cardiac Arrest from Hypokalemia.  This post was from Pinoyfitness:

Facebook link to offer prayers here.

Going back, with the sickness getting me after my long run trainings (seems my immune system still couldn't adjust with the training - i still have the colds; been more than a week now), it seems that I may have to hold back from running my first 21k, until my body adjusts to the longer and harder training to go the long distance.

Although I don't know Mr. Romel F. Defeo personally, being the President of the Sigue Correr Runner's group, I'm sure he had gone through the correct training and lifestyle to endure running.  But these incidents do happen, and we do not question His actions.

And with this I now come to realize that I, being on my own in training and running, need to slow down and take it easy.  If there's one thing that Mr. Defeo made me realize, its that even if we have the experience and drive, we don't have control over what happens to us.  So listening to my body now, I come to realize that I am really not ready yet to go the distance.

My sister gave birth yesterday, Baby Chael is my first true niece.  Another gift from Him.  She's an angel and also a poop factory like my Charlie, well all babies are like that, I think.  Another realization that I should take care in what I do, everyday.
Guys I leave you with this - live right, live strong.  Condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Defeo, and thank you for leaving something in me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Looking back 2012 - What's for 2013?

2012 triggered my running hobby.  It was with the Condura Run 2012, when I got a free race entry for 5k that I started to look into running.  Unfortunate that I couldn't get to run it though as it was the birthday of my dad in February.  I haven't experienced running yet so the power of beer came over me that time.

It was March that I started to run, right after I bought my Adidas shoes at the outlet shop along NLEX.  Plus the Casio basic digital watch that I bought this month that helped me time my first runs.

Bought another set of Shoes, this time the New Balance Minimus Road Zero last November, and my Soleus GPS 1.0 watch this September.

I remember my first run that what my mind was thinking, the body didn't achieve!  I got shortness of breath less than half of what I thought would be an easy distance.  I ran 3km during weekdays and 5km during weekend.  With the basic digital watch i just ran and rested on intervals.

I did manage to join some runs - with the objective to fuel me to continue training:

New Balance Powerrun - 10k (1:02:56 - registered 59:58 for 10k in my Soleus) / November
Run United Philippine Marathon - 10k (1:05:52) / October
Adidas King of the Road - 10k (1:03:35) / October
Rexona Run - 5k / September
RSC Fit and Fun Buddy Run 5k /July

I got started recording digitally using NIKE+ and Daily Mile from August until now:

I can say that my objective for 2012 was met as I did manage to run 10k under 1 hour.  Although actual race results were more as the distance measured in my watch was longer. Still, i know that I manage to beat 10k under an hour.

A bunch of fevers, cough, cold and flu continue to hit me.  This started when I started to train for longer runs in preparation for 21k Condura Run 2013.  Seeing the chart above, i managed to log longer KM during September when i was running 5k and training for 10k (where I got sick as well in October and failed to run in the Men's Health Urbanathlon as I incorporated strength training along with cardio - wrong move as I aimed for too much too soon).

For 2013 - I have started training for 21k (although I haven't reached a higher distance than 10k yet).  I have a scheduled Condura Run 2013 this February, hopefully I can get to follow my training plans (as of today, I went back to 5k tempo, as I really was too lazy to run longer than that).

So I guess until i get to run an actual 21k race, my 2013 plans would have to be to keep the running-fire burning inside me, do better in recovering to avoid sickness and to keep on running.  Have a healthy 2013 ahead guys!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Running with the sickness; backlog in 21k training

So I did manage to do 2 runs for 15K the past week - that was from Zero Km from the 2-sick-weeks I got from the flu and measles last holiday season.  Really not the most productive and optimized training for my 21k at Condura Run 2013 - I'm already at a backlog in my training schedule!

This really is turning into a bad training for me.  Its just 2 weeks ago that I got sick, and now I have the colds and cough again.  I'm supposed to be at the 30k/wk now and my 8k run yesterday was forced-run.  I really didn't have it in me yesterday, but I really pushed it.  Its good that my condition didn't get worse today, but I did have a feeling of shortness of breath this morning, but its probably due to the cough.  I'll be observing this today.

Also, I think what I did yesterday to recover from running even with a sickly feeling helped, enough that I don't feel any worse today:

1.  full body stretch post-run
2.  ate 3 bread immediately with peanut butter and Honey Stinger
3.  ate another set of rice plus lots of liquid (coconut juice and Gatorade)
4.  slept for about 2 hours
5.  worn my More Miles compression socks (for 8 hours)
6.  drank plenty of water the whole day
7.  slept earlier than usual

I hope to clear my cough in 2 days, this means my next run would be Wednesday.  I will start to drink plenty of liquids and eat well.  As it is, if its really long distance training that's causing my sickness, I have no choice but to delay it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year to Run

Happy New Year!  Yes, its the 2nd of January and its my first blog of the year, unfortunate that I haven't ran my first run of the year due to the measles - yes, Charlie and I got the measles during the Christmas and New Year seasons.  Also, there's the iPhone 5 that I got as well yesterday! :)

I did want to do a run during the holidays, but I didn't want to be blamed in case I get sick again.  All my family members doesn't want me running anymore, they say that my body can't handle it.  Well, come to think about it, maybe.  But there's always some lapses that I made everytime I get sick:

1.  Running too fast;
2.  Running too fast, too long without hydration;
3.  Running too fast, too long without hydration and enough recovery.

My last December 23 10k run I only had a small bottle that I even finished when I finished 10k.  I didn't have anything to eat prior and immediately after that, and I didn't do enough post-workout rituals as I was in a hurry to go to church that morning.  In the afternoon I felt the soreness, Charlie was sick that day also so my immune system was down so I got it.

This 2013, I will do better in running -

1.  Run just right (distance and speed);
2.  Run with the correct hydration gear - ALWAYS!
3.  Eat and recover right - no more smoking (anyway cigarette costs too much now)
4.  Run 13.1 mi races this 2013 (with a few occasional 10Ks as long as its free!)

I might start to run again this weekend January 5.  Will wait to adjust to work schedules.  And I have this tightness in my chest that I'm monitoring.

Happy New Year!  Cheers to a better and healthier 2013 for all of us!