- Nov 16 - 30'26
- Nov 18 - 30'19
- Nov 20 - 30'02
While I have been improving in my finish times, its getting harder each time I do it. I don't know if its the shoes, that I'm adjusting to running in the correct way now, or if its the stress in the office that's eating me up.
I have this pumped-up feeling in my calves after each run with this shoes. I don't think I had this when i was using the old Adidas shoe. But I do notice my calves bulging now. I wonder how many more running days for me to adjust so I can increase mileage?
Its good though that I'm improving my time during practice runs. It has been true for me that my usual per km practice runs of 6'20 - 6'30 yields me 5'50 - 6'00 on actual race runs. For the next practice runs, i'll increase mileage while maintaining the same pace - hopefully if I get the 8km distance at the same 6'00 pace, I can be able to finish a 10k race with 58 mins.
To translate this with my "supposed" 21k training plan:
Clearly not as I hoped it would be. :) |