Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Running the 5k:30mins mark with the Minimus

I've ran three 5k runs with my Minimus now, my times as follows:
  • Nov 16 - 30'26
  • Nov 18 - 30'19
  • Nov 20 - 30'02
While I have been improving in my finish times, its getting harder each time I do it.  I don't know if its the shoes, that I'm adjusting to running in the correct way now, or if its the stress in the office that's eating me up.

Yes, had to mention the office - so far this is the worst season for me (this was as of yesterday, got a change of mood today)

I have this pumped-up feeling in my calves after each run with this shoes.  I don't think I had this when i was using the old Adidas shoe.  But I do notice my calves bulging now.  I wonder how many more running days for me to adjust so I can increase mileage?

Its good though that I'm improving my time during practice runs.  It has been true for me that my usual per km practice runs of 6'20 - 6'30 yields me 5'50 - 6'00 on actual race runs.  For the next practice runs, i'll increase mileage while maintaining the same pace - hopefully if I get the 8km distance at the same 6'00 pace, I can be able to finish a 10k race with 58 mins.

To translate this with my "supposed" 21k training plan:

Clearly not as I hoped it would be. :)
My debut 21k might have to be moved next year.  I may have to focus on finishing 10k faster for the remaining months this 2012.  Plus, my face is getting too thin perhaps from trying too hard.  Although my weight now is 128 lbs, higher by 3 lbs from my usual 125 lbs.   Its weird, right?  Then again, I prefer to be healthy inside, rather than to look good outside.