Sunday, October 28, 2012

My 10k Run United PM run

So yes, I did manage to finish my 10k run in RUPM.  (Thank you Devant!)  And as i wrote in my previous post, I didn't get to improve on my PR (1:03).  And yes, i did manage to run at 1:05. (but there was an additional 46 miliseconds there, so it could be 1:06! waaah! Unofficial that is)

Just a few issues regarding my stint in the Run United Philippine Marathon -

  • I didn't study the map, staging area and route, prior to race
  • I arrived in the staging area, Just In Time
  • Didn't get to do my pre-race rituals
  • Had to dodge all those runners in the starting line for me to get to my pace
  • I accidentally deleted ALL my run data in my Soleus

The night before the run, my wife asked me what time I would wake up.  Told her I'll be up by 3:00am, as I have to leave house by 4:00am to make it at MOA by 5:00am, as gun start was at 5:30am.  She said if she were me, she'd rather sleep!  Well, I'm used to her saying this whenever I wake up early to run.  But my mistake - I listened to her!  I woke up 3:45am, left house 4:30am and got to the parking lot by 5:15am!  The roads were closed as it was for use by the 21k and 42k runners. Talk about hectic, I had to stretch while jogging to the staging area!  But as I got down the parking lot, its a maze!  too many people walking in different directions.  Since I didn't manage to study the map, i had to walk around finding the staging area.  Until I found it.

I got in place almost at the back of the crowd.  With not enough time to do my rituals - stretching, bladder break, internalize.  Gun start!  I had to dodge the runners ahead of me, it was a slow jog until i manage to reach the starting line, took at least 2 minutes, I think.  After that, still a slow jog while I dodge runners for me to get a clear path to run.

On km 2, I did have my own pace.  Crowd has a comfortable space then.  I managed to run 5k under 32 minutes - not bad, but I'm starting to feel tired.  I think it was the dry air that day, I don't know, I didn't check the weather.  I did found my "marker" until the end of km 6.  She was ahead of me from km 3.  But left her behind by km 7

On km 7, I did get tired.  I was walking some parts, saw my pace at 7mins++.  I knew I won't get past my 1:03 PR.  But 1:05 is still possible.  So I held on. 

On km 8, after the drinking station, i decided to give it a burst, just as I have practiced on my previous run.  I managed to run 5:00 for 500m. and stayed on the easy pace to recover for the next 500m.

On km 9, I did my burst again, but only managed to run 400m.  Had to jog again, and did a burst again for 300m.  But after that, cramps!  I had to walk a few meters.  When I was able to read the clock ahead, saw that it was at 1:07, so I gave it my fullest, and ended up clocking at 1:05:46.

I really pushed myself on this, and I'm disappointed that I gave in to tiredness on mid-run.  It was supposed to be programmed!  With a few bursts to improve the few km.  

So after picking up my so-so finisher's kit (yeah, it consists of a few tablets, a blue messenger bag - but with nice material), after doing my post-race rituals.  I was reviewing my per kilometer run when I accidentally pressed the delete button - I did not panic, and decided to press the "view" button.  Alas!  It was also a button to confirm delete. :(  So there, I don't have any info on how I did, couldn't use it as reference to improve on my next run.  Good thing I managed to take a pic of the summary above, more or less, it validates some of my claims here. :)

I was impressed by the 21k and 42k runners, and their medal!  Yes, it looks like a plate!  hehe!  More than the medal, I admire them for being able to do it.  I'm aiming for that 21k!

Overall, I'm happy that I managed to finish the race.  But also a bit disappointed in me as I was at fault for the pre-race issues I had.  I guess it did have an effect on my performance.  Lesson learned again.  With that, my photo isn't as proud as it should be.

Update - Race Analysis: