KETTLEBELL - I have read about it in Men's Health May 2012 issue (i think). It seems at first like a weird workout as it involves a moving and shifting weight. Reading about it though, most of the things we carry on our normal day-to-day activity really does move and shift weight depending on the way you carry it- my bag, my groceries and even my daughter!
Last Sunday I got a chance to buy my first kettlebell at Toby's. They were on sale so I went in. Unfortunately, weight available were on ly 4, 8 then 15 - I would like to get a 10 or a 12 pounder, 15 is just too much for a beginnner (at least that's what I think). Anyway, I got a good deal with a 15% discount so i paid just around Php 353 for it. I got just the basic all-metal one. They have these plastic coated, smooth texture ones that were a little premium. I really don't mind getting calluses.
I got to use it this morning. Having a little experience in working out with a set of dumbbells (yeah, I worked out in a gym for at least a year, but decided to quit when the gym raised its rates) I'm a little accustomed to gripping metal. But when I started doing basic moves like the One Arm Swing, Single Arm Overhead Swing and Side Step with Single Arm Swing Curl, I did get a weird feeling that the kettlebell will slip from my hand. Although I got to do and combine Push Up with Row motion. I did 2 reps of 12 counts for each side.
Now I'm in the office, I still feel the effect of the kettlebell workout I did. At the least, I don't feel much guilty for not running this morning. It was a good upper body workout, and I plan to purchase additional bells this week, maybe I'd get the 15lbs, and another 8lbs to balance. But before that, I will have my morning run tomorrow.